Fourier Audio - Plugin Database Testing Status
Tested: The plugin has been tested by Fourier Audio and works.
Tested (Manufacturer): At least one plugin by this manufacturer has been tested by Fourier Audio. It is likely this plugin will also work.
Tested (Engineer Discretion): This plugin has been tested although might have a couple of bugs. Any issues will be outlined in the client. You can use this plugin at your discretion.
Requires Online installation: Not compatible with the transform.engine.
Queued: This plugin is lined up for testing. Stay tuned!
No VST3: There is no VST3 version of this plugin to our knowledge, making it incompatible with the transform.engine for now.
Instrument: Not compatible with the transform.engine for now.
Contact Support: There are some quirks with this plugin which mean it may not work as expected. Contact support to know more.

Please request new plugins for testing here.
To provide feedback on a particular plugin, please click on the icon on the relevant row.
Plugin Name
Testing Status
Amethyst 4AcusticaRequires Online Installation
Ruby 2AcusticaRequires Online Installation
DefeedbackAlpha Labs LLCTested (Engineer Discretion)
BlendeqAnalog ObsessionTested (Manufacturer)
BXQAnalog ObsessionTested (Manufacturer)
FiverAnalog ObsessionTested (Manufacturer)
F395aAnalog ObsessionTested (Manufacturer)
HarqulesAnalog ObsessionTested (Manufacturer)
HLQSEAnalog ObsessionTested (Manufacturer)
GrapHackAnalog ObsessionTested (Manufacturer)